Friday, August 20, 2010

PR Practitioners: Build Media Rapport

Build Media Rapport

Media relations is a part of the PR industry that really requires a lot of thought and effort. Not only as a PR practitioner are we mindful of the responsibilities we have to our client and our public, but at the same time we need to maintain a great rapport with the media.

Coming from the journalism side, as an editor of a bi-weekly newspaper, the PR people that were always in my face (in a good way) were the ones that I always kept top of mind. When I needed something maybe an article on education or medical field, I knew exactly which PR person to call. So, my advice to my fellow PR on that relationship with your media reps.

Some of my techniques I use to develop rapport with the media:
  • Develop respect by providing thoughtful, accurate, and concise news to the media
  • Be courteous and remember your manners i.e. Say please and thank you
  • Remember them on holiday's and special occasions. I keep a list of all the media contacts that have helped me throughout the year and either on Thanksgiving or Christmas I send them a special thank you.
  • Don't send the exact news release to a local competitor. Take the time to change the slant and use a different photo.
  • Read what they write. Comment on stories they've covered and praise them if you think they are doing a good job.
  • Schedule a "Media Appreciation Day" along with food and entertainment.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Make the time for Customer Relations

It seems sometimes we get so busy looking for new customers that we forget about our loyal customers. Our loyal customers are those that have been with us since the beginning or nearly the beginning! They are the ones that you can count on for a reliable source of income.
But, we must not forget that while we are out trying to secure new customers...we have it in with our loyal ones and should take advantage of one powerful tool that they possess: word-of-mouth.
Is it better for you to toot your own horn, or for one of your customers to toot it for you? The answer is the latter. If a friend tells you how a great a restaurant is...aren't you more likely to try it out based on her recommendation than on your own?

SO, business owners...let's concentrate on customer relationships!

Here are some tips on building your customer relations:
1. Talk to your customer - Next time your customer walks through the door really talk to them. Find out what's going on in their life and maybe there is a way that you can help. Or, give your customer a call and touch base. If you see some sort of trend, it may lead you down a new marketing approach.

2. Customer appreciation day - Designate one day a year solely to give back to your customers. Arrange for food, drinks, maybe family activites, and special discounts for one particular day...just to say THANKS!

3. The written word - I am a big believer in hand-written thank you cards. They truly go a long way. It shows your customer that you took the time to sit down and spend a few minutes thinking of them. I'm always so delighted when I walk into a client's office and there is the thank you card I sent them posted on their cork board.

Good luck! Remember, a happy customer...can lead to more happy customers!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Off to a Good Start

Just a few days into summer and I have now accomplished one of my summer goals...get a blog started. So, welcome to PRMompreneur!
PRMompreneur is hopefully going to be my lil' outlet to provide PR tips, strategies, etc. and also an area for me to talk about being a MOMPRENEUR---a mother running her own business while at the same time running around being a mom.
I hope you enjoy.